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Can you pair me with someone?
Sometimes we don't have company to travel with, but we'd like to share a room with someone in the same situation. That can be done! In this type of booking, we pair you with another person who also doesn't have company to travel with, in the same room. The amount charged will be the per person rate for a Double Room*.
Although this is an excellent alternative to the single room (where you pay to stay alone in the room), it's important to understand the Rules for this type of booking.:
- The booking is individual. The other participant will not receive any information about you that hasn't been authorized.
- Two solo travelers will share a Double Room*.
- *If it's not possible to form a pair, the participant will stay in a Triple Room.
- Once booked, we don't guarantee room modifications (from Double to Single, for example), subject to availability.
- If a room modification is requested and there's availability, the resulting expenses will be the responsibility of the booking holder.
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